Black tea originated in China. It was discovered when the Chinese started fermenting tea leaves to store them longer. Interestingly, until the 17th century, the Chinese only drank oolong and green teas. By the mid-17th century, it had grown in popularity.

Today, millions drink the tea all over the world. Popular Indian teas are Darjeeling, Assam and Nilgiris. Here are five health benefits of drinking it.

  1. Black Tea is an Excellent Alternative to Coffee and Energy Drinks

Drinking black tea is a more healthy option than consuming coffee. That's because it contains antioxidants and polyphenols that work against chronic disorders. Assam Tea and Darjeeling tea are pure forms of black tea and are popular globally.

      2. Good for Heart Health

The tea has flavonoids that keep the heart healthy. A study says that drinking one cup daily reduces the risk of death by heart disease by 4%. Now, that's a great reason to have it!

       3. Keeps You Focused

Black tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which improves focus. L-theanine is also a cognitive enhancing agent. 

Apparently, people report more stable levels of energy by drinking the tea than by having coffee.

      4. Can Help Reduce Blood Pressure

It also helps lower blood pressure because of the presence of flavonoids. This was reported in a study by an Italian university.

       5. Improves Gut Health

A 2018 study by the University of California, Los Angeles found that it also improves gut health. It brings balance in the gut microbiome between good and bad bacteria.

Now you know this type of tea is very good for your health. Here's how you can add it to your routine.

How to Make Black Tea

  1. You can brew the tea and keep it in the fridge. Consume it as iced tea later.
  2. Add cinnamon and lemon for more taste.
  3. You can also grate ginger and brew tea with it.

Order from Poetry Teas here.