Do you remember the first time you tasted a spearmint? It was delicately sweet and oh-so-refreshing. You probably liked it, but it confused your taste buds. Well, spearmint may confuse you, but the tea industry has always been sure of its combination with tea. In Korea, traditional mint tea is called bakha cha and it's made with East Asian mint leaves. Going by the double freshness it offers, we suggest spearmint green tea as an absolute mood enhancer to kickstart the day.
Humour and a lightness of spirit also lend great positive vibes. If more people read Ghalib's poetry in the morning rather than reading a newspaper's sad headlines, the world would be a happier place. Or at least our offices would.
We, at Poetry Teas, go to great lengths to give you a poetic tea experience. Tea is a celebration of life. It is the hot liquid that sustains us to go on and chase our desires. At its best, tea will give you inspiration. And isn't good poetry, too, all of the above?
Our sixth sense tells us that our sprightly spearmint green tea will team perfectly well with the acerbic wit of Ghalib. One of the greatest known Urdu poets, Ghalib (1797-1869) has poked fun at power, love, religious diktats and also, himself.
Ghalib's Wit: The Perfect Thing to Read With Spearmint Green Tea
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Once, Ghalib visited Red Fort soon after Ramzan. And Bahadur Shah Zafar asked him how many rozas had he kept (how many days had be fasted)?
Ghalib replied: “Bas huzoor, ek nahin rakha. (My Lord! I didn’t fast for a day).”
Ghalib never bought a house. He was always living on rent, changing houses when he got bored. Soon after he moved to Gali Qasim Jaan, which overlooked a mosque, Ghalib wrote,
‘Masjid ke zer saya ek ghar bana liya hai,
yeh banda kamina, humsaya khuda hai’
(I have made my house on the shadow of the mosque; this wicked fellow is now a neighbour of God).
Another poem, No, I wasn’t meant to love and be loved (translated into English by Vijay Seshadri) has some really witty lines.
Delicate are you, and your vows are delicate, too,so easily do they break.
You are mystical, Ghalib, and, also, you speak beautifully.Are you a saint, or just drunk as usual?
Spearmint Green Tea's Health Benefits:
- It reduces oxidative stress and tiredness.
- Is a healthy pre-workout drink.
- Restores natural glow.
- Reduces cholesterol level.
To order spearmint green tea, click here.